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10+ Creative Employee Wellness Program Ideas for a Thriving Workplace (Part 2 of 3)

Updated: 3 days ago

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Continuing from Part 1 of our three-part series, we acknowledge the challenges faced by HR professionals, provide compelling reasons for implementing a Wellness Program (big or small), and offer useful employee wellness program ideas to kick-start your own company's workplace wellness initiative today.


Employee wellness programs have become increasingly vital in today's fast-paced work environment. These programs are initiatives designed to support and improve the overall health and wellbeing of employees. By focusing on various aspects of employee health, from physical health to mental resilience, these programs can significantly enhance workplace satisfaction, productivity, and overall organisational success.

In Part 1 of this series, we dove into the statistics behind the current state of Australian workplaces and explore the reasons why an employee wellness program works, backed by data and research.

The 5 Pillars of Employee Wellbeing

Illustration of 5 Pillars of Employee Wellbeing

We believe a healthy Employee Wellness Program should include five pillars of wellbeing:

  1. Mental Wellness (Part 1 of 3)

  2. Physical Health

  3. Emotional Wellbeing

  4. Social Connections (Part 3 of 3)

  5. Financial Wellbeing (Part 3 of 3)

In this Part 2, we'll focus on ideas and activities to enhance employees' physical and emotional wellbeing, two equally important pillars in the foundation of a robust wellness program.

Physical Wellness Ideas

Promoting physical wellness in the workplace is an excellent way to boost employee health, reduce stress, and improve employee productivity. Here are four activities that can be incorporated into your workplace to encourage employees to adopt healthier lifestyles:

1. Onsite / Off-site Wellness

Organise regular fitness classes such as Yoga, Pilates, Zumba, or Aerobics. These can be held in a dedicated space within the office or virtually if remote work is common. Offering a variety of classes caters to different interests and fitness levels.

Sidenote: For companies that are tenants within a building or complex, the building manager may occasionally provide tenant employees with access to an onsite gym facility. Be sure to ask your local facilities or office manager to initiate a conversation to explore whether such a facility is available, or to collaborate with other tenants and the building manager to create such a venue/facility.

💡 Partnerships: Reach out to local Yoga Studios, Pilates instructors, Fitness Studios, or Gyms to negotiate discounts for your employees. This partnership can also include inviting instructors to conduct onsite presentations, and promoting their business while demonstrating your firm's commitment to employee wellness.

2. Walking Initiatives: Low-Cost Employee Wellness Program Ideas

  1. Walking Meetings: Encourage small teams to hold walking meetings instead of traditional sit-down discussions. This not only promotes physical activity but can also lead to more creative thinking and improved collaboration.

  2. Lunchtime Walking Groups: Organise walking groups during lunch breaks. Employees can take a brisk walk around the office building or nearby areas, getting fresh air, socialising, and engaging in physical activity.

  3. Walking Club: Utilise tracking apps that allow you to create a club where members can log their walks, rides, runs, swims, and more, as well as share photos with each other. (For more information on suitable apps, please Contact Anista

💡 Sponsorship Opportunity: Partner with your Employee Benefits Provider to sponsor co-branded t-shirts exclusively for Walkers, promoting the club internally, whilst showcasing to other organisation what you form is doing for your employees.

3. Office Fitness Challenges

Host regular fitness challenges to motivate employees to be more active and foster a sense of community and friendly competition. Here are some ideas:

  1. Step Count Competitions: Provide employees with pedometers or encourage the use of smartphone apps to track daily steps. Set individual or team goals, such as "10,000 steps a day" or "1 million steps in a month." Create a leaderboard to track progress and offer prizes for top performers. (Contact Anista for information about their Zing initiative)

  2. Stair-Climbing Contests: In multi-story buildings, encourage employees to use stairs instead of elevators. Track the number of flights climbed over a set period and reward top climbers.

  3. Plank Challenge: Organise a month-long plank challenge where employees gradually increase their plank time. Start with short durations and build up to longer holds.

    1. Research supports the effectiveness of such challenges. A 2021 case study found that a middle-aged man participating in core-strengthening exercises, such as planks, reported overall improvements in his physical fitness, as well as enhancements in certain immunocyte functions.

  4. Fitness Bingo: Create bingo cards with various exercises or healthy habits. Employees mark off activities as they complete them, with prizes for those who achieve 'bingo' or fill their entire card.

Remember to make these challenges inclusive and adaptable for employees of all fitness levels and abilities. Offer modifications and alternatives to ensure everyone can participate.

💡 Tip: Consider a perpetual trophy where the name of the individual winner, team, state, office, or department can be added to a small plaque. This can be sponsored by an Employee Benefits Partner.

Here’s an example of a perpetual trophy I had made for one of my sons. On three sides of the trophy, there is a plaque, with each plaque having space for eight lines of entries. Each year, our family goes go-karting, an activity Ashton enjoys. The winner of the day—whoever has the fastest time around the track—gets their name engraved on the plaque.
This creates a great bonding experience for the kids and family and is a source of pride for the winner over the next 12 months!
~Dujon (Founder of Anista)

Perpetual Trophy by Djon Zivic (Anista)

4. Desk Exercises and Stretching Routines

Encourage employees to take short breaks throughout the day to perform simple desk exercises and stretching routines. This can help alleviate tension, improve circulation, and reduce the risks associated with prolonged sitting. Consider providing access to instructional videos demonstrating these exercises. Here are a few videos that might be useful to your employees:

1) 5 Desk Stretches by BUPA you can perform at the office or if you’re working from home.

2) A quick Glute Stretch without getting up from your desk.

3) 6 Stretches you can perform to relax your body at office.

By incorporating these activities, you can create a more dynamic and healthy work environment, benefiting both employees and the organisation as a whole.

Nurturing Emotional Wellbeing at Work

Emotional wellbeing is a crucial aspect of overall employee health and productivity. It encompasses an individual's ability to understand and manage their emotions, cope with stress, and maintain positive relationships. A workforce with strong emotional wellbeing is more resilient, engaged, and better equipped to handle workplace challenges.

What's the difference between Mental Health Wellbeing and Emotional Wellbeing?

While mental health and emotional wellbeing are closely related, they have distinct differences:

  • Mental Health Wellbeing focuses on an individual's overall psychological state, including the presence or absence of mental health disorders. It encompasses:

    • Cognitive Functioning: The ability to think clearly, learn, and remember

    • Thought Processes: How an individual perceives, interprets, and responds to information

    • Ability to cope with life's challenges: Resilience and problem-solving skills

    • Mood Stability: Consistency in mood over time

    • Self-concept: How individuals view themselves and their place in the world

  • Emotional Wellbeing specifically relates to an individual's ability to recognise, understand, and manage their emotions effectively. It includes:

    • Emotional Intelligence (or EQ): The capacity to recognise, understand, and manage one's own emotions and the emotions of others

    • Self-awareness: Understanding one's own emotional responses and triggers

    • Capacity to navigate various emotional states: Ability to regulate emotions in different situations

    • Empathy: The ability to understand and share the feelings of others

    • Emotional Expression: Healthy ways of communicating and expressing emotions

Here are several ideas to support emotional wellbeing in your workplace:

1. Stress Management Initiatives

Implement programs that help employees identify and manage stress effectively. This could include:

  • Mindfulness and meditation sessions

  • Stress management workshops

  • Time management training

  • Relaxation techniques (e.g., deep breathing exercises)

2. Timely Recognition

Develop a robust recognition program that acknowledges employees' efforts and achievements promptly. This can boost employee morale and create a positive emotional environment. Consider:

3. Flexible Work Options

Offer flexible work arrangements to help employees balance their work and personal lives better. This might include:

  • Flexible start and finish times

  • Remote work options

4. Regular Webinars on Emotional Wellbeing

Host informative webinars to educate employees about emotional wellbeing. Some topics to consider include:

  • Understanding and managing emotions in the workplace

  • Building resilience

  • Developing emotional intelligence

  • Maintaining work-life balance

💡Tip 1: Invite guest speakers, such as psychologists or workplace wellness experts, to share their insights and practical strategies for maintaining emotional wellbeing at work.

💡Tip 2: Ask your Employee Assistance Program provider for additional resources they can provide as part of their service.

Organisations such as Vitality Works (ask about their Thrive Program), Healthworks, and Bupa Wellness are considered amongst the best in class here.

5. Support Resources

Ensure employees are aware of and have easy access to various support resources:

  • Promote the company's Employee Assistance Program (EAP) so your employees are aware of it.

  • Provide information about external resources like Lifeline, BeyondBlue, etc.

  • Encourage open communication with managers and HR for additional support

💡 Tip: Consider offering training courses (the above organisations also provide these line Manager courses) for managers to help them better support their team's emotional wellbeing and recognise signs of emotional distress.

6. Apps to help calm the mind and encourage self-care

Introduce employees to helpful apps and tools that can support their emotional wellbeing:

  • Insight Timer: A meditation app with a vast library of guided meditations and mindfulness exercises.

  • Tide: An app that offers soothing sounds and breathing exercises to reduce stress and improve focus.

Conclusion: Bringing It All Together

Implementing these physical and emotional wellbeing initiatives can significantly contribute to creating a healthier, more productive workplace. Remember, the key to a successful wellness program is consistency and adaptability. Regularly seek feedback from your employees and be willing to adjust your initiatives to meet their evolving needs.

Share Your Wellness Wisdom!

We're eager to hear about your experiences and ideas. Your insights could be the spark that ignites positive change in workplaces across Australia.

Here's our question for you:

"What physical or emotional wellness initiative has made the biggest impact in your workplace, and how has it improved employee wellbeing?"

Perhaps it was a popular lunchtime walking group that boosted team morale, or maybe an workshop that transformed workplace communication. Whatever it is, big or small, we want to hear about it!

Competition to win!

One lucky commenter will win a yearly subscription (valued up to $100 via reimbursement) to the Insight Timer app!

This premium meditation app can most certainly change your sleep routine for life. Yes, it’s that good! The most creative comment, in our opinion, will be selected the winner.

Note: This competition closes on 01 Nov. 2024 and is applicable only to Australian residents.

Don't keep your wellness wins to yourself – share them below and be part of the movement to create healthier, happier workplaces across Australia. Your comment could be the advice another HR professional has been searching for, and it might just win you a year of guided meditation!

Ready, set, share! 👇 Let's start a wellness revolution, one comment at a time!

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